
ID check submission detail page guide

Within each project, you can see the end user's information that was actually submitted for eKYC, and the details are different for every submission.
*The fields of information collected may vary depending on the actual authentication options set for each project.


Submission Delete / Download / Webhook features 

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Delete submission: You can delete a specific submission for an end-user. When deleting, the detailed data of the submission is removed and cannot be restored.

*Please note that you can check the deletion history on the event log page.

Generate PDF: You can download the end-user's submission information as a PDF document.

Webhook: You can send the data of the specific submission through the webhook function.


KYC Submission Data

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KYC status

Approved: The status is approved if all the normal authentication documents and selfies are verified based on the submission.

Rejected: If the reason for not meeting the end-user policy standards set within the project or if fraud, tampering, or behavior is confirmed, the user will be rejected.
* In case of rejection, a brief reason for rejection will be displayed on the detail page.

Pending: If the system requires direct review by an administrator, it will be placed in a pending status.

Incomplete: If the submitter (end-user) abandons the LiveForm step midway, it remains incomplete.
*Frequent abandonment can lead to rejection.

AML results
* The presence or absence of this field information may vary depending on whether AML is enabled.

N/A (Not Available): No AML result is available for reference. (This is usually checked if the user leaves in the middle of the LiveForm).
No Matches: No person of interest to be monitored based on the submitted data.
Red Flag: Information indicates a person of risk or concern based on name, nationality, date of birth, etc.


Age Group
ADULT/TEEN/early teens/minors


AI generates different scores based on the actual information submitted, the photo submitted, and the AML results.


Duplicate Identity
Shows other submissions that match the submitter's information. If not, it will say No Submission ID.


Duplicate faces

Shows other submissions that match the submitter's facial information. If not found, no Submission ID is displayed.


Passed Request ID
If the IP address has been filtered for counterfeit or commercial purposes by enabling the Proxy & VPN option, the drop-down menu will take you to the details page. If it does not exist, it will be displayed as No Request ID.



Applicant Info

You can see information about when the submitter actually executed the submission.

Create time (UTC+9): The time when the submission occurred based on your server time.

Submission ID: A unique ID for each submission

Form type: Submission form

Email: The email address mapped to that submission

IP Address: The connected IP at the time of submission



User ID: Unique ID of the user

Custom fields #1 ~ #3 : If you request additional information beyond the information ARGOS provides by default for each project, you can check the entered values.
* You can edit the metadata, and if you do, the Updated webhook will automatically synchronize the data to an external system.


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Memo: You can create notes that are left for each submission.




ID Document

ID document_Passport.png

Issuing country: The country of issuance of the submitted ID (this may be different from the nationality).

ID Type: The type of ID submitted

Document type: Issuing country & ID type

* The photographed ID must be a front view or front & back view depending on the ID type.


Magnifying glass feature: Allows you to zoom in/out on the photographed photo of the submission.

Edit (square icon) function: You can rotate, flip, zoom in, zoom out, and reset the photo to the original submission.

Crop image: Allows you to automatically zoom in on the entire submitted photo, centered on the ID document.

Edit Front original image: You can manually mask the submitted ID if necessary, and after masking, click Save to finalize the modification.


Text Data 

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OCR data: The result of the ID card information detected by the AI camera.

Input data: If the end-user modifies the OCR data based on the initially detected OCR data while proceeding with LiveForm, a value is left in the input data.

Final data: The input data, which is the modified information based on the OCR data, is the final modified data.

* You can edit the information in the final data to add corrections or missing field values.




This is the step where the photo of the submitted person on the ID is compared to the actual submitter's photo.


Selfie score


Facial similarity: out of 100, passes if the similarity threshold set within the project is above.
Liveness: Passes if the liveness threshold is set within the project out of 100.



Addressing information (available upon activation)

Gets address information (Geo-Location) based on the IP address at the time of submission.

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