ID check(eKYC) - 'Edit eKYC data via Dashboard and API ' feature released

Dear customers, 

We would like to inform you about the updated information modification feature implemented in November.

Editing Information via Dashboard :

Now our dashboard enables clients to edit users' final identity information on their own. By clicking the 'Submissions - Detail - Edit Final Data' button, you can update the stored identity information.

Please note that while the information in the database gets updated, subsequent processes like duplicate prevention or Applicant ID generation won't take place, but 'Update' webhook will be sent.Dashboard_feature_update2.jpg


Patch API for Information Modification :

An API allowing the modification of final identity information has been added. This API serves the purpose of updating the database. Similarly, subsequent processes such as duplicate prevention or Applicant ID generation won't occur, while an 'Update' webhook is sent.

Please refer to the guide for detailed information.

Thank you,

ARGOS Identity

Due to our help center relocation, we are re-posting the announcements previously made on 30 November 2023 in the following order.

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